Where Independent Music Finds Its Voice

Interview with ARTEKK

Tell us about yourself, who are you and where do you come from?

Born Robert Schulz, ARTEKK has a vast array of musical influences however I accredit the pivotal influences and inspiration in my life to genres such as Rave 90‘s, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Tekk and D&B. In the 90’s I was drummer and also played guitar in 2 Punk Bands.

How was your passion for music born? Who are your idols?

My brother gave me a guitar when I turned 10. I bought a book with Chord fingering charts and started to play. I am self-taught and have taught myself everything. However, a few years ago I took a music theory course, which causes a big step in my overall music development. I don’t have idols, just music I like.

What kind of music do you do?

ARTEKK producing a musical experience that is enjoyable, easy going and fun music and infused with positive energy to allow for an immersive experience that brings feelings of elation and happiness.

What is the most important song for you? What message do you want to convey to the listener?

All my songs have a deep meaning for me. In each of them is a part of my soul, feelings and thoughts. So none of them is more or less important. They are all showing a specific time and feel in my life.

Why should a listener who doesn’t know you listen to your music?

My sound exhibits not only my versatility and prowess as a producer but will surely cement it as well as pave the way for the varied expressions of my musical ideas and artistic craft as well as my diversified approach to music in general.

What are your future projects? Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

My first year as a producer was very successful. I started in March 2021 at zero. I had more than 250K streams, 29K followers, 115K listeners and got 142K hours streamed on Spotify. But this isn’t important to me. I hope, that I will produce music in 5 years with the same power, love and fun as I do it now.

Tell our readers a funny episode that happened in your career as an artist.

There are many funny stories to tell. Here is one from my times as Drummer in Punk Band: We were on the train on the way back from a concert together with about 30 fans. When we arrived at the station, a police squad with dogs was waiting to take us into custody. Some of the fans who had come along had previously cleaned out a food market and probably forgotten to pay. Since I was the only one dressed inconspicuously, I took all the prohibited items such as weapons and marijuana and left the train together with the other “normal” passengers. Fortunately, the plan worked, and I walked past the police. I watched from a distance how my bandmates and our fans were rudely arrested. The charge of trespassing was later dropped. So all find a Happy End.
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