Where Independent Music Finds Its Voice

Get Featured on WhatsMusic.de and Share Your Music with the World!

Submit a free interview to showcase your unique sound, story, and passion.

Interview Submission Form on WhatsMusic.de

To submit your interview, please complete the form below. Provide detailed and thoughtful responses to each question, ensuring that your interview is engaging and showcases your unique story. Remember to include your social media links, YouTube video, and Spotify and SoundCloud profiles to help fans connect with you and your music.

The image portrays a musician in a heroic pose, surrounded by bold, stylized icons representing music blogs, such as laptops, mobile phones, and social media symbols. The musician is shown receiving positive attention and feedback, symbolized by exaggerated likes, shares, and comments icons. The background features a concert stage with cheering fans, using a limited color palette and strong, dynamic lines to highlight the dramatic and influential role of music blogs in an artist's success.

Reach a Wider Audience

WhatsMusic.de has a dedicated following of music lovers eager to discover new talent. A published interview can help you reach potential fans and grow your fanbase. This is your chance to let the world hear your music and see the artist behind the sound.

Connect with the Music Industry

Our platform attracts professionals from all corners of the music industry. Your interview can help you catch the eye of producers, labels, and other musicians. Sharing your story, inspirations, and aspirations in an interview allows you to connect with listeners on a deeper level, fostering a loyal and engaged fanbase.

Boost Your Online Presence

Add your social links and embed your music from platforms like YouTube, Spotify, and SoundCloud to consolidate your online presence. Make it easy for fans to find and follow your work. Submitting your interview is quick and easy. Just fill out our online form, add your social media links, and submit. Our editorial team will review and publish it on WhatsMusic.de.

Experience the Power of Free Interviews on WhatsMusic.de: A Win-Win-Win for Journalists, Artists, and Readers

While there are countless ways to promote yourself and your music in today’s digital age, traditional interviews remain a crucial part of any promotional strategy. A well-crafted interview not only connects with your existing fan base but also sparks interest in those who may not have discovered your music otherwise. By sharing engaging anecdotes and offering genuine insights into your life as an artist, you can captivate readers and make lasting connections.

WhatsMusic.de offers a unique opportunity for artists to participate in free interviews that showcase their talent and reach a wider audience. By investing your time and effort into a thoughtful interview, you can reap significant benefits and drive the growth of your music career.

Why Choose WhatsMusic.de for Your Interview?

As a burgeoning artist, it’s essential to seize every opportunity to introduce yourself and your music, even if the payoff isn’t immediately apparent. While sharing information on your website and social media is important, a well-executed interview can provide fresh perspectives and reveal new facets of your musical journey. Here’s why you should choose WhatsMusic.de for your next interview:

  • Expertise: Our team of experienced journalists and music enthusiasts is skilled at crafting engaging questions that delve deep into your story, encouraging you to reflect on your experiences and aspirations in a meaningful way.
  • Exposure: By participating in a WhatsMusic.de interview, you can reach a diverse audience of music lovers, industry professionals, and potential fans, thereby expanding your reach and impact.
  • Algorithm Advantage: Spotify, the leading music streaming service, utilizes artificial intelligence to determine which tracks resonate with listeners. By being featured on music blogs like WhatsMusic.de, you increase your chances of catching the attention of influential playlist curators and tastemakers who are constantly on the lookout for new talent.

Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your music career by participating in a free interview on WhatsMusic.de. By sharing your story and insights, you can create a win-win-win situation for journalists, artists, and readers alike. Take the first step towards unlocking the potential of your music today!