Kejuanservin, hailing from North Carolina, Winston Salem, seeks to be known as an icon rather than just a rapper. With a passion for music since the age of 8, Kejuanservin was inspired by his dad’s musical pursuits and had early access to a home studio. Eschewing the traditional route of genre conformity, he focuses on freestyle, letting his flow guide his music. Although some may label his music as trap, Kejuanservin has a broader vision and aims to expand his musical horizons.
His song “All That It Ever Was” holds particular importance to him, as he used it to vent his emotions. Kejuanservin’s connection with his listeners is personal, and he appreciates those who understand his journey. His upcoming EP, “Mode,” is set to contain 7 tracks, all reflecting his authentic voice. In 5 years, Kejuanservin’s goal is to be so financially successful that it becomes a problem. An amusing anecdote he shared involved recording his song “Revelations” while on shrooms.