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Padde Opens Up About Music as Therapy and His Aspirations

In an engaging interview on WhatsMusic.de, Padde, a 28-year-old musician from the Swabian valleys of Baden-Württemberg, shared his journey and passion for music, which he describes as therapeutic and essential for a healthy life. Despite initial reluctance to publish his work, Padde has embraced sharing his creations to connect with others on a deep emotional level. Facing psychological challenges throughout his life, including depression and self-doubt, he channels these experiences into his music to convey messages of understanding and support for those who struggle to express themselves.

Padde’s musical style predominantly revolves around hip-hop and rap, though he also experiments with subgenres like drill and trap, and is exploring pop music with English lyrics. His music, particularly his song “Schwarzweiss,” is crafted to resonate with listeners dealing with emotional difficulties, urging them not to feel ashamed of their feelings.

Looking ahead, Padde aims to increase his reach and perform live gigs while also pursuing a part-time career as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy. His personal goals emphasize a life free from toxicity and filled with harmony, which he feels he’s currently managing well. A light-hearted moment from his career includes an amusing studio session involving the comedic and unpublished rap song “Pimmel,” highlighting the humorous and unexpected situations artists often encounter.

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Interview with Padde

Tell us about yourself, who are you and where do you come from?

I was born and grew up in the Swabian valleys of Baden-Württemberg. As a pupil at a large comprehensive school and a citizen of a performance-orientated society, I was always accompanied by psychological problems such as depression, self-doubt and negative beliefs. That’s why one thing is particularly important to me in music: a message. I want to reach people and find words for those who are unable to express their feelings or lack the courage to do so. I am also convinced that only music can reach the soul directly and I want to contribute to a good time through a good vibe. My personal motto is that only those who help others can help themselves. Because in times of anti-social energy on social media, cohesion, understanding and respect are more important than ever before.

How was your passion for music born? Who are your idols?

The focus is on hip-hop/rap, but I’m enthusiastic about many subtypes of rap. Drill with the hard 808s and trap are also inspiring genres. I am currently also experimenting with English lyrics in a pop direction.

What kind of music do you do?

From me? Schwarzweiss. Message: Don’t be ashamed that you’re feeling bad!

What is the most important song for you? What message do you want to convey to the listener?

The focus is on hip-hop/rap, but I’m enthusiastic about many subtypes of rap. Drill with the hard 808s and trap are also inspiring genres. I am currently also experimenting with English lyrics in a pop direction.

Why should a listener who doesn’t know you listen to your music?

Well, you can’t miss what you don’t know. :D Everyone should listen to the music they want, but if you want to feel understood, feel free to come round!

What are your future projects? Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

To be satisfied. That’s it. Musically, of course, a bit more reach and live gigs, part-time as a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy and privately – the most important thing – I just want a healthy environment, no toxicity and harmony. Although I’m already managing that very well at the moment.

Tell our readers a funny episode that happened in your career as an artist.

We did comedy rap for a while – none of it was published. There was a song called “Pimmel”. So to double the hook, I had to stand in front of the microphone – with 5 people present – and shout this one word “Pimmel” over and over again. The whole thing must have looked so strange from the outside, because you’re recording with headphones and everyone except the artist and the producer lacks the context of the song.
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