Josh, known by his producer name Shua Lee, is a 16-year-old from South Africa, currently residing in Australia. A devout Christian, Shua Lee is passionate about music and aims to make a significant impact in the industry. His journey into music production began when his older cousin introduced him to the art of making beats, igniting a passion that he’s been nurturing ever since.
Shua Lee specializes in creating phonk beats, a genre characterized by its bass-heavy tunes, tuned cowbells, and overlayed vocal samples. His most important song to date is “MASAMUNE,” which he describes as having a triumphant vibe, akin to that of a Samurai warrior looking to God for strength.
Listeners unfamiliar with Shua Lee should give his music a try, as he believes it offers something for everyone. From the chill vibes of “MOON WAVES” to the aggressive tones of “SUPER SOLDIER,” and the triumphant feel of “MASAMUNE,” his music aims to cater to a wide range of moods and tastes.
Looking ahead, Shua Lee plans to release more singles and eventually a full album, incorporating his love for God into his tracks. In five years, he envisions himself with an extensive music catalogue and a large fan base.
A funny episode in his career was his first attempt at creating a phonk beat, which he describes as a chaotic mess of cowbells, bass, and misplaced sound effects. It was his father who saw the potential in him and encouraged him to keep going, leading him to where he is today.