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Interview with Vicki Johnson

Tell us about yourself, who are you and where do you come from?

I am a born and raised Texan, who has lived in many parts of the USA, but I currently work and live in New Orleans, LA. I have spent my life in either the arts or medicine, and my credits are mainly in the music and film industry for the last 30+ years.

How was your passion for music born? Who are your idols?

That is an easy one. God’s gift first of all, but my mother was a concert pianist and violinist, and my grandmother was a noted poet who literally taught me to write. It is in my blood. As for my idols; every artist, co-writer, inspiring talent, and creative minds that crossed my heart and soul….too many to list.

What kind of music do you do?

I have been blessed to create songs with some amazing artists over the years, and my catalog of music is a melting pot. To be honest, I am the lyricist and melody, but I have co-writers for the studio. I love the creation of turning words into a song, but it is the collaborations that complete my works. I live for it.

What is the most important song for you? What message do you want to convey to the listener?

The most important song for me has not been released yet. I can tell you that my Producer, Nick Ray will be the Featured Artist on it and it’s called “His Name.” Spiritually-written to bless and awaken the senses. I want it to touch the soul of man.

Why should a listener who doesn’t know you listen to your music?

My intentions to make music is natural. From the pallets under the trees where my “Nanny” had me writing poetry, to the press releases or songs I create, my life has always been in the pen and paper. My musical goals are to place my works, and feel like the words I write will identify, comfort, love or give hope.

What are your future projects? Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

To continue writing and collaborating. I also work as a Senior Publicist, Set Medic, and Co-Produce Events, so I have projects around every corner. Every day is a blessing that I can live some of my dreams, but in 5 years, I will just see where the road takes me.

Tell our readers a funny episode that happened in your career as an artist.

I have a good one. Here is the storyline. “Valeen” comes from Texas with her crown and banner in tow, living quite large with the creative opportunities and a few accolades to her name. Once accomplished to take on Los Angeles, she gets on a plane and lands looking for the red carpet and limos. Much to her dismay, she gets in a van and ends up being a Skoal Bandit and Publicist while creating her songs. Five years later, Valeen finally arrives. I have experienced the red carpet and limos, and the journey was priceless. Thank you to those talents and kind souls who opened the doors for me.
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