We would like to release and promote many more HeYoMa singles (the next one is called “easy Livin’ Reggae” and will be released on August 19th 2022) , reaching numerous new listeners in the process. This is not so easy in today’s times, but we believe very strongly in the quality of our songs! Many years of songwriting and music production experience go into this project. I have already been able to capture musical awards for other projects. (The newcomer “Gliffo” for example, produced by me, received 5 awards at the German Rock & Pop Award 2021).
The HeYoMa listener expects also in the future catchy Feel Good songs, rhythmically interesting and suitable for singing along, dancing along. Since the music business has changed a lot in recent years and we are no longer 20 years old, we have to learn a lot of new things, for example, the proper use of social media. But the question about the 5-year goal we can answer clearly: My wife and I would like to be able to live from the HeYoMa project in 5 years…